Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Yahoo Messenger 2 0 for iPhone App Store comes with 3G video calls

Now iPhone users to stay connected with their friends using the 3G video calls from your iPhone to a Mac or PC, or vice versa latest Yahoo Messenger 2.0 released app for the iPhone. With Yahoo Messenger 2.0, turns your iPhone to make free video calls to friends Messenger, Cheap international calls to landlines or mobile phones, video calls and the latest features such as multitasking, instant messages and free SMS. The new update of Yahoo Messenger can be downloaded for free.
Yahoo! released the latest Yahoo Messenger 2.0 for iPhone earlier than Apple. Yahoo Messenger for the iPhone has grown up as their version 2.0. This new version now offers video with the voice call the user directly to the iPhone almost all of Yahoo Messenger as universally iPhone iPhone 4 for 4 video calls, iPhone 4 for PC / Mac and vice versa what keeps you in touch verbally. On 3G networks, it supports video calls and voice, one that goes on Apple FaceTime function.
Unfortunately, video calls like this buggy, and in particular it is a department of rather low quality. In addition, the recently updated Yahoo Messenger supports multi-tasking behind the iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 devices running IOS 4.1.
With Yahoo Messenger 2.0 for iPhone, users can get:
* Video calls: With Yahoo Messenger, you can make video calls and stream live video chat.
* Voice calls: You are also able to make free voice calls to your Yahoo Messenger friends.
* Low cost voice calls: You will get low cost international, so talk with your friends on their landline or mobile phone.
* Multitasking: Work with other iPhone apps while Yahoo! Messenger runs in the background†
* Send free SMS messages via Yahoo! Messenger
* From iPhone to desktop and more: Connect with your IM friends in any way you want—mobile app to PC, mobile app to mobile app
* Get notified for every message: Know when a new message comes whether the app is running, in the background, or even if it is not open
* Show and tell: Capture and share iPhone photos and video in real-time, with your Yahoo! Messenger buddies
* Bring your friends in one place: Add your Windows Live Messenger contacts to your buddy list
* Be creative: Use rich text and personal expressions, like emoticons and avatars, to update your friends
* Enhanced performance: Get a simpler, faster, richer Yahoo! Messenger experience at your fingertips